Western Civilization: A Brief History, Sixth Edition

Western Civilization: A Brief History, Sixth Edition

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Western Civilization: A Brief History, Sixth Edition

Used Book in Good Condition
Western Civilization: A Brief History, 6/e, maintains a firm grounding in political history, while covering intellectual history (particularly the significance of ideas and contributions) to a greater and deeper extent than any other text for the course. Author Marvin Perry's accessible writing style and flexible approach make this abridged version of Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics and Society an engaging text for instructors and students of the Western Civilization survey course. The Sixth Edition incorporates current scholarship and new material on the First Crusade, the treatment of Jews, Christianity and classical humanism, and a fully revised and expanded section on "The Enlightenment and the Modern Mentality." Additional content highlights Muslim artistic and cultural contributions, the French Revolution and Reign of Terror, modern artists, the Russian Revolution, and the battles of World War II.
Binding Paperback
Brand Brand: Cengage Learning
EANs 9780618739004
Manufacturer Wadsworth Publishing
ProductGroup Book
Title Western Civilization: A Brief History, Sixth Edition
UnitCount 1

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