The Theory of Proportion in Architecture

The Theory of Proportion in Architecture

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The Theory of Proportion in Architecture

A building cannot be good to look at if it is unplanned, with its parts totally unrelated to one another; but on the other hand if the arrangement is too regular it becomes boring and dull. The object of architectural proportion is to strike the balance between these extremes, creating an interesting visible order by the repetition of similar shapes. In this book, first published in 1958, Mr Scholfield deals with the history of the theory of proportion, and in doing so develops his own positive theory, which reconciles the apparent contradictions of rival systems and serves as a key to historical understanding. Even when he is dealing with complex themes, Mr Scholfield's exposition can be followed by the uninitiated reader. Those already interested in architecture and the visual arts will certainly want the book; and those who are not will find, on reading it, that their interest is stimulated.
Binding Paperback
Brand Cambridge University Press
EANs 9780521243155
Format Illustrated
ItemPartNumber Worked examples or Exercises
Manufacturer Cambridge University Press
ProductGroup Book
ReleaseDate 2011-05-27T00:00:01Z
Title The Theory of Proportion in Architecture
UnitCount 1

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