The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices

The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices

  • $99.64

The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices

The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices is a unique resource developed for singing teachers and their students. This text aids in the development of a successful, culturally competent voice pedagogy by presenting information about training and repertoire specifically tailored for transgender and gender nonconforming singers.

The world of singing is heavily gendered, from choral part divisi by "men" and "women," to the Fach system of "male" and "female" voices, to casting roles based on gender, to choosing pronouns for pop, rock, and other genres. Because many of the current systems for singing education are so firmly anchored in gender binary systems, transgender and gender nonconforming singers are often forced into groups with which they feel they don't belong.

This resource equips teachers with a sympathetic perspective on these unique struggles and with the knowledge and resources needed to guide students to a healthy, joyful, and safe singing life. It helps the academic community understand the needs of transgender students through student narratives and suggestions for navigating academic procedures and policies.

The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices is the first book of its kind to provide thorough, organized information on the training of trans singers for music educators in both the academic and independent teaching realms.

Binding Paperback
Brand Plural Publishing
EANs 9781635500936
ItemPartNumber Illustrated
Manufacturer Plural Publishing
ProductGroup Book
ReleaseDate 2018-05-18T00:00:01Z
Title The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices
UnitCount 1

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