TAO of Letting Go: Meditation for Modern Living
TAO of Letting Go: Meditation for Modern Living  TAO of Letting Go: Meditation for Modern Living 

TAO of Letting Go: Meditation for Modern Living

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TAO of Letting Go: Meditation for Modern Living

What is known from the Tao Te Ching, I Ching, and other Taoist texts is almost entirely literary. When Bruce Frantzis studied these texts with his main teacher, Grandmaster Liu Hung Chieh, he was taught their practical application: “This is what they say; this is what they mean; this is how to do them.” In the TAO of Letting Go, Frantzis offers a bridge to this pragmatic approach for living a spiritual life. Spirituality is not just an aspiration for which people strive, he says, but a genuine, accomplishable reality.

Frantzis shows how to expend maximum effort and yet not use force—the gentle way of the Water method—to enrich personal health and energy systems. The Water tradition continues the work of releasing inner conflicts, a process that begins with the Dissolving Method, passed down by Lao Tse in the Tao Te Ching over 2,500 years ago. The author shows how to completely let go of the blockages that bind and prevent the seeker from reaching full spiritual potential. Short, direct chapters and exercises cover such topics as breathing and awareness; Taoist meditation; fog and depression; modern anxiety; love and compassion; and more.
Binding Paperback
Brand North Atlantic Books
Color Multicolor
EANs 9781556438080
ItemPartNumber 72648
Manufacturer North Atlantic Books
ProductGroup Book
ReleaseDate 2009-07-07T00:00:01Z
Title TAO of Letting Go: Meditation for Modern Living
UnitCount 1

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