Surprised by Christ: My Journey From Judaism to Orthodox Christianity
Surprised by Christ: My Journey From Judaism to Orthodox Christianity  Surprised by Christ: My Journey From Judaism to Orthodox Christianity 

Surprised by Christ: My Journey From Judaism to Orthodox Christianity

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Surprised by Christ: My Journey From Judaism to Orthodox Christianity

Used Book in Good Condition
Raised in Queens, New York by formerly Orthodox Jewish parents whose faith had been undermined by the Holocaust, Arnold Bernstein went on his own personal quest for spiritual meaning. He was ready to accept God in whatever form He chose to reveal Himself and that form turned out to be Christ. But Bernstein soon perceived discrepancies in the various forms of Protestant belief that surrounded him, and so his quest continued -- this time for the true Church. Surprised by Christ combines an engrossing memoir of one man s life in historic times and situations from the Six-Day War to the Civil Rights Movement to the Jesus Movement in Berkeley with an examination of the distinctives of Orthodox theology that make the Orthodox Church the true home not only for Christian Jews, but for all who seek to know God as fully as He may be known.
Binding Paperback
Brand Brand: Conciliar Press Ministries
EANs 9781888212952
Manufacturer Conciliar Press Ministries
ProductGroup Book
Title Surprised by Christ: My Journey From Judaism to Orthodox Christianity
UnitCount 1

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