Haunted Houses: Two Novels (Tales of the Weird)

Haunted Houses: Two Novels (Tales of the Weird)

  • $17.41

Haunted Houses: Two Novels (Tales of the Weird)

From the once-popular yet unfairly neglected Victorian writer Charlotte Riddell comes a pair of novels which cleverly upholster the familiar furniture of the haunted house story. In An Uninhabited House, the hauntings are seen through the perspective of the solicitors who hold the deed of the property. What happens when the world of commerce and law meets the supernatural? In Fairy Water, Riddell suggests a complex moral character for her haunting spirit. Her succinct, witty writing style renders the story a spirited and approachable read despite its age.
Binding Paperback
Brand British Library
EANs 9780712352512
ItemPartNumber 52623675
Manufacturer British Library Publishing
ProductGroup Book
ReleaseDate 2019-04-01T00:00:01Z
Title Haunted Houses: Two Novels (Tales of the Weird)
UnitCount 1

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