Fight the Funk & Slay In Everyway

Fight the Funk & Slay In Everyway

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Fight the Funk & Slay In Everyway

A Quick Guide to "Fight the Funk" & Slay In Everyway equips you with everything you need to snap out of any funk you are in. Are you feeling lost, like you are missing a piece to get to the next step? Are you tired of not living up to your full potential? This book will not only help you analyze where you are and what you really want in life but it will show you things you can do to start living that life. This interactive guide includes: A reality check, habits to cultivate, journal entries at the end of every chapter to help you think and analyze where you could be going wrong, and more
Binding Paperback
EANs 9781979938693
Manufacturer CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ProductGroup Book
Title Fight the Funk & Slay In Everyway
UnitCount 1

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