Breaking Nets and Sinking Ships: Christ's Ministry on the Sea Of Galilee

Breaking Nets and Sinking Ships: Christ's Ministry on the Sea Of Galilee

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Breaking Nets and Sinking Ships: Christ's Ministry on the Sea Of Galilee

This writing evolved from a sermon series entitled "Let’s Go Fishing," presented by Dr. Mostella, encompassing more than 40 years of ministry. It highlights the importance of the Sea of Galilee to our Lord’s ministry. Breaking Nets and Sinking Ships tells the story of Jesus as He presses a group of tired fishermen back into service after a tiresome, unproductive night of fishing. After using their boat for a short time, He rewards them with a miraculous catch of fish that stressed their nets to the breaking point, and almost toppled them in their vessels. This miracle launched the ministries of Apostles Peter, Andrew, James and John, first as Disciples, then Apostles of our Lord’s Church.
Binding Paperback
EANs 9781720796053
Format Large Print
Manufacturer CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ProductGroup Book
Title Breaking Nets and Sinking Ships: Christ's Ministry on the Sea Of Galilee

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