Attract Better Patients: How To Position Yourself As The Go-To Dentist For Higher Value Cases

Attract Better Patients: How To Position Yourself As The Go-To Dentist For Higher Value Cases

  • $24.99

Attract Better Patients: How To Position Yourself As The Go-To Dentist For Higher Value Cases

Imagine marketing your practice and NOT getting the results you expected. After helping dentists with their marketing for years, we have seen it all, from dentists ranking #1 on Google with too few patients to offices that are flooded with unqualified patients. This book is for those dentists who are tired of either experience and want BETTER patients; patients that are loyal to your practice, appreciate quality and are willing to pay for it. The key to getting the kind of patients that will allow you to work fewer hours and earn more money is by positioning yourself as the go-to dentist in town. We share the first steps of marketing that you can do by yourself or hire professionals to do for you so you can be the authority in your market. In this book you will learn: • What factor allows brands to be priced as much as three times more than their competitors. • How to gain an advantage in the way patients view your online listing so that you will get more calls. • How a business should handle each of the four types of online reputation. • How to capitalize on social proof to get more and better patients.
Binding Paperback
EANs 9781539122562
Manufacturer CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ProductGroup Book
Title Attract Better Patients: How To Position Yourself As The Go-To Dentist For Higher Value Cases
UnitCount 1

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