A Writer's Time: Making the Time to Write

A Writer's Time: Making the Time to Write

  • $14.24

A Writer's Time: Making the Time to Write

For nearly a decade, thousands of writersۥaspiring and professionalۥhave relied on this book, the first to apply time-management principles to the specific needs of writers of fiction, nonfiction, and drama.

Expanding his focus now, Kenneth Atchity adds a substantial new chapter, "Breaking into Show Business," and new material about recapturing the "high" of creativity and maintaining confidence despite setbacks. He shows you how to transform anxiety into "productive elation," how to separate vision from revision, and how to develop your own writing agenda.

This book, based on his writing seminars, research into dreams and creativity, and film development, is, as the New York Times states, "crammed with the sort of useful advice that it seems to take some people years to learn."
Binding Paperback
Brand W. W. Norton & Company
EANs 9780393312638
ItemPartNumber 9780393312638
Manufacturer W. W. Norton & Company
ProductGroup Book
ReleaseDate 1995-01-17T00:00:01Z
Title A Writer's Time: Making the Time to Write
UnitCount 1

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