The 30-Minute Celebrity Makeover Miracle: Achieve the Body You've Always Wanted
The 30-Minute Celebrity Makeover Miracle: Achieve the Body You've Always Wanted  The 30-Minute Celebrity Makeover Miracle: Achieve the Body You've Always Wanted 

The 30-Minute Celebrity Makeover Miracle: Achieve the Body You've Always Wanted

  • $21.75

The 30-Minute Celebrity Makeover Miracle: Achieve the Body You've Always Wanted

Wouldn't you love to have the body of a movie star without spending countless hours working out to get there? Top Hollywood trainer and Weekend Today fitness expert Steve Zim shows you how to sculpt a phenomenal physique faster and easier than you ever thought possible. In just thirty minutes a day, three times a week, Zim's revolutionary combined cardio and weight-training program will help you ramp up your metabolic rate, burn fat faster than conventional workouts, and produce the body of your dreams.
Binding Hardcover
Brand Wiley
EANs 9780470174036
ItemPartNumber NUSBK20160901-C030655
Manufacturer Trade Paper Press
ProductGroup Book
Title The 30-Minute Celebrity Makeover Miracle: Achieve the Body You've Always Wanted
UnitCount 1

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