"The Civilized Jungle": Tropical Plants, Facts & Fun - From Ola Brisa Gardens - Volume II

  • $32.79

"The Civilized Jungle": Tropical Plants, Facts & Fun - From Ola Brisa Gardens - Volume II

The fun, expeditionary trek continues - this time through “The Civilized Jungle” Tropical Plants, Facts & Fun (Vol II)”. Once again, in an uncomplicated, simply written and sometimes humorous manner, Tommy introduces us to an array of his “plant pals” all of which flourish in the Clarkson’s spectacular, multi-terraced, tropical plant gardens in Manzanillo, Mexico. As before, his descriptions are such that we all can fast and easily understand their unique “personalities”, in addition to their physical requirements and applications as well as their traditional medicinal or culinary uses. These tropical plants, palms, trees, bushes, flowers, vines, succulents and more are presented via the colorful and descriptive word pictures he has “painted”, accompanied by stunningly beautiful photographs. He does so in ways that allows us all too easily, yet fully, appreciate their individual, unique characteristics or - as Tommy says - plant foibles! This is an easy - and fun - way to expand one’s awareness of some of Nature’s most spectacular creations - the vegetation of the tropics. Like that which he so, earlier, effectively wrote in war-torn Iraq or from various natural disaster sites, he has striven to reach the soul of the subject and bare it to his readership. In approximately 750 words for each plant, Tommy has been able to capture the unique essence of each plant he describes and make it meaningfully appreciated by readers for their own use.
Binding Paperback
EANs 9781979784429
ItemPartNumber 43238-79506
Manufacturer CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Model 43238-79506
ProductGroup Book
Title "The Civilized Jungle": Tropical Plants, Facts & Fun - From Ola Brisa Gardens - Volume II

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