Book Lovers' Edinburgh: A Guide and Companion
Book Lovers' Edinburgh: A Guide and Companion 

Book Lovers' Edinburgh: A Guide and Companion

  • $20.00

Book Lovers' Edinburgh: A Guide and Companion

Part guidebook, part readers' companion, Book Lovers' Edinburgh is an exploration of a great city that has been celebrated for its literature since ancient times. It opens up a landscape that will lead you through the sites and haunts of Edinburgh’s literary legends: Robert Louis Stevenson, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Burns, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, J.M. Barrie, Muriel Spark, Alexander McCall Smith, Ian Rankin, J.K. Rowling and others. A combination of a good read and a literary treasure hunt, it unearths the people and places – many of them lost in time – that turned Edinburgh into one of the world’s greatest cities of literature.
Binding Paperback
EANs 9781717456489
Manufacturer CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ProductGroup Book
Title Book Lovers' Edinburgh: A Guide and Companion
UnitCount 1

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